Olive Oil Market in Australia
Global consumption of extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) has grown by 80% over the last 25 years.
The global market for extra virgin olive oil is expected to continue its growth due to rising demand and increasing awareness of its health benefits.
The Extra Virgin Olive Oil market growth is driven by innovation within the highly competitive landscape. Resulting in key players investing in research and development to create innovative product lines.
Additionally, leading companies are partnering with major food chains, beverage companies, pharmaceutical companies, and the personal care industry, expanding the consumer base and driving further market growth.
36m litres
imported annually
to meet
local demands
20m litres
in Australia
This highlights the excellent opportunities for vineyard operators to diversify and capture market share from imported EVOO.
Converting Vineyards to
Super High Density (SHD) Olives
The consideration of converting low yielding or saturated grape varieties into a high demand crop may seem foreign for some vineyard owners, but there is an over weighting factor of farming with consistency and confidence in a crop which still considered "liquid gold"
Spain Total - 2,400,000 ha - 40,000 ha SHD
Portugal - 340,000ha - 10,000 ha SHD
Chile - 16,000ha - 10,000 SHD
USA - 48,000ha - 8,000 SHD
Morocco - 680,000 ha - 6,000ha SHD
Tunisia - 1,680,000 ha - 5,000 ha SHD
Italy - 1,140,000 ha - 450 ha SHD
Australia 26,000 ha - 500ha SHD
Greece - 1,000,000 ha - 300 ha SHD